A casino is a place where people can gamble on various games of chance. While stage shows, restaurants, shopping centers and hotels all help to draw in the crowds, casinos would not exist without the billions of dollars that are poured into slot machines, blackjack, roulette and other table games every year.
Casinos have always been interesting places and they continue to be a source of fascination even for those who do not gamble. They are a place where the lights flash, the music blares and the people throng, all in an attempt to make a little money while having some fun.
While it is true that the casino business is a profitable one, there are also some darker sides to this gambling establishment. The most obvious concern is the fraud that occurs. From counterfeit money to card counting, casinos have to be on guard against all kinds of fraudulent activities.
To combat these problems, casinos rely on their security staff to keep watch. Employees on the floor have to be heavily trained so that they can spot blatant cheating, like palming, marking or switching cards or dice. They also have to be able to quickly notice if someone is winning or losing too much. Table managers and pit bosses also have a more broader view of the game and can see if any patron is suspicious or trying to take advantage.
In addition, casinos rely on technology to monitor their activities. Cameras and monitors are used throughout the building, paper shredders are present to protect customer records and there is quite a bit of other equipment to prevent fraudulent activity.